CSA Bologna

Bologna Metropolitan Area

South-Eastern part of the Po Valley, Italy

The main issue tackled is the exposure of fragile population (elderly, disables, chronic) to Heatwaves coupled with UHI, and pollution exposure. Based on the findings of the Bologna M.A. CSA coupled with the other CSAs, the IDSS will be developed to support local decision makers to strengthening policies of inclusion and facilitation for a livable city for disadvantages categories of the population.

Physiological secure paths, assured by the implementation of NBSs such as urban pocket parks, parkways, bioretention areas, and green shelters.

These climate resilient solutions will assure a better protection for fragile population in both terms of microclimate and pollutants sequestration. Furthermore, the distribution of groceries within the metropolitan area will be investigated to assure to for limited-mobility peoples the autonomous accessibility to markets including also the small business actions.

The Institute for BioEconomy – IBE – was born on June 1, 2019, which over the years has developed and complementarity in the strategic sector of the bioeconomy. Environmental sustainability strategies and the use of resources, the reduction of impacts, the strengthening of resilience and the support to mitigation are included in this theme, which therefore has a strong interdisciplinary value. A bioeconomy worthy of this name and location in this historical moment of change cannot be separated from the knowledge of the factors that regulate the function and survival of man-made systems, therefore from meteorology, climatology and oceanography, which belong to members of the Institute

The justification for adopting the current case study is related to the necessity to support policies for fragile population. Considering that for this geographic area the population age pyramid is indicating a sharp increase in the elderly with a consequent aggravation of social and economic costs that can be partially resolved through preventive policy actions by securing these segments of the population and thus reducing impacts and potential hospitalizations.

The creation of a permanent Living Lab at the CAAB partner with the aim of creating ongoing opportunities for stakeholders, particularly those from civil society, to meet with policymakers for equitable urban regeneration. Favoring and developing the co-design of regeneration by succeeding in highlighting the real needs of fragile categories, moving away from the logic of a standardized citizen to that of dedicated solutions.

Already signed project consensus: AIAS, AMPRO, ANCI, AUSER, AUSL, Comune di Bologna, Consumerismo, Giovani-nel-tempo aps, Fondazione Innovazione Urbana Rusconi Ghigi, Legambiente ER, University of Bologna (Dep. Quality of Life Sciences).

First workshop with CSA stakeholders on 25 November 2024