CARMINE co-develops a knowledge-based framework to address Adaptation and Mitigation in 8 Metropolitan Regions of Europe, through bridging the gap between science and practice and co-creating actionable tools, products and services that enhance the climate-resilience of the local communities and support decision-making at a European level.

✅ Living Labs
✅ Digital Twins
✅ Nature-based Solutions

✅ Artificial intelligence, modelling and machine learning
✅ Simulation chains


February 2024 –
January 2028​

32 Partners 

from 11 countries

Coordinated by

Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie R.A.

Grant Agreement No


CARMINE develops tools, strategies, and plans aimed at enhancing adaptation and mitigation efforts in accordance with the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change by 2030.​

The project prioritizes local adaptation strategies, including traditional methods and ​nature-based solutions​

To showcase its methodology, the project digitally replicates the climate and socio-economic characteristics of eight selected ​case study areas​

The project bolsters the resilience of European metropolitan communities to climate change by offering decision support services and implementing multi-level climate governance


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