CSA Odense
Funen-Odense Metropolitan Area
Funen Island, Denmark
Due to rising sea levels and more intense rainfall events, low-lying areas in Funen are increasingly vulnerable to flooding.
Tool for flood damage and risk assessment to support decision making on adaptation measures within the CC challenges.
The CSA is leaded by DTU, The Danish Technical University. The Department leading the CSA has expertise in Economics, and geospatial climate risk assessments.
Vulnerability to flooding: Funen’s low-lying coastal areas are particularly susceptible to flooding, making it crucial to develop and implement climate-resilient solutions.
Strong stakeholder engagement: The presence of engaged local authorities creates a favorable environment for implementing and evaluating CSA solutions.
The results of the CSA will include an assessment of physical, economic and social risks of flooding events, and an assessment of risk reduction measures in terms of adaptation options. The assessment will include links to how the risk reduction can contribute to meeting climate mitigation objectives and SDGs.
Odense Municipality